Monthly Archives: December 2010

Snow Globes

Every now and then, without any warning he comes back.  Like someone visiting a souvenir from an enjoyable vacation, he picks up the snow globe that preserves our time together.  Since his last visit the snow has settled and buried any trace of what feelings I may have for him. His “remember when” stirs up the snowflakes of every memory we created together.  Instantly I’m lost, blinded by the glittering bliss that surrounds me and blocks out all of reality.

The sound of him sleeping is hypnotic.  Part of me is fighting sleep, in some futile effort to extend this time we’re together.  The other part of me is dying to relive what it felt like to fall asleep in his arms.  When I wake up this will be over.  When the snow settles this moment will end and he will be gone again.

Closing my eyes will end this dream. I can already feel the tears foreshadowing the pain that’s coming. I’ll fall asleep remembering everything I’ve loved about him.

In this moment I’m happy.

And for now that’s enough.

Hi, my name is…

I guess this is the part where I stand up and tell the class my name, where I’m from and something interesting about me thus giving some context for the rants and ramblings that will follow.


  • I’m Natasha Rene’e.
  • I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas.
  • I’m entering the second half of my 30th year.
  • I’m Bipolar with an Impostor Syndrome. I’m also a Leo. Fun times.
  • I have an 11 year old daughter. She’s wicked awesome.
  • I study Mathematics & Economics at St. Mary’s University.
  • I’m still trying to figure out what to do with my life.
  • I’m starting this blog in hopes that I will eventually delete my Facebook.

Is that enough back story? Can I start divulging my innermost thoughts now?

Thistle and Weeds

This is where my blog name comes from. I absolutely adore Mumford and Sons. Almost every song seems to narrate some aspect of my life. The lyrics are clean and simple yet they are packed full of emotion and imagery.

Thistle and Weeds

Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!